Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or 10:00 for our traditional service.

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,
the world, and those who live in it …” Psalm 24:1

Some thirty folks attended the recent “Kingdom Dinners,” sponsored by our Church & Society Team. Over the two weekly dinners we viewed and discussed the National Geographic Society documentary “From Paris to Pittsburgh,” learning how Americans are developing innovative ways to respond to the climate crisis.

As Christians, we recognize our responsibility to care for God’s creation. Individually, many of us are reexamining our lifestyles and making changes with this in mind. Collectively as a church, we hope to move toward carbon neutrality: we laid conduits under the new parking lot for solar covered parking and electric vehicle charging stations down the road. Our Giving Garden is helping many reconnect with the earth and appreciate its bounty. One of the Girl Scout troops that Dayspring sponsors has led our recycling efforts, placing recycle bins throughout the campus. The children and
youth are leading us.

On the world stage, Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg has mobilized hundreds of thousands of young people to challenge those in power to act before it is too late. Some seven million people across the globe recently participated in “climate strikes” that she initiated. “And a child shall lead them …”

We will be considering in worship this month and next aspects of Creation and our role as faithful stewards. I also hope you’ll join us on October 20th, when we will hold our 4th annual Blessing of the Animals, to honor the four-legged (and clawed, winged, and finned) companions with whom we share this planet

Pastor Jeff

  1. Oct 20: Animals
  2. Oct 27: Ocean
  3. Nov 3: Storm
  4. Nov 10: Cosmos