Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or at 10:00 for our traditional service.

Yesterday my doctor asked me to take my blood pressure once a day! (Not to worry. I am fine.). His instructions were this: “Sit quietly for 10 minutes at the same time every day. No TV, no music, no phone calls, no interruptions. Then take your blood pressure.”

WOW! I thought…..this is SACRED SPACE! I must take advantage of this time!

We are now offering this same opportunity — without the blood pressure cuffs! — for Sacred Space on Sunday mornings, both in Tempe (9am) and Arcadia (11am – except the first of the month). We will offer quiet time filled with music, prayer, silence, contemplation, and scripture, using our senses to come close to the Divine which is within and all around us.

Richard Rohr in a recent meditation describes how both life and religion can invite us into liminal, sacred space……. Father Rohr invites us into sacred space, into liminality, where all transformation takes place. “There alone is our old world left behind, though we’re not yet sure of the new existence. That’s a good space where genuine newness can begin. We must get there often and stay as long as we can by whatever means possible. It’s the realm where God can best get at us because our false certitudes are finally out of the way…….The world around us becomes again an enchanted universe, something we intuitively understood when we were young and somehow lost touch with as we grew older.”

Worship at Dayspring knows no bounds. The church is not a building but we are the People who Love and Serve each other and others around us. In order to do this, we must refill ourselves through whatever means we are led. Perhaps you will feel led by the Spirit to partake in many of these experiences listed throughout these pages. I urge you to find the ones which lead you most directly to a merciful and loving God who is waiting for each one of us.

We look forward to this special time with you,

Pastor Shirley