Dayspring has not been able to have in-person memorial services during the pandemic while our church building is closed. We remember those that are sick or celebrate joyful moments through prayer. We want to visually honor our losses and celebrations by tying ribbons to a Remembrance Tree as we have with gun violence in the past. We now have an opportunity to honor those we love while our church is closed.

We have designated a Remembrance Tree at Dayspring along the Juniper Street sidewalk. There you will see ribbons and markers in a blue box at the tree base. You can remember those we are praying for or who have died by writing it on a ribbon and tying it to a branch. We ask you to be respectful of others who might be at the tree and socially distance so that only one person or small group is at the tree at any time. Our hope is to provide a visual symbol of the loss we are feeling during this time.
We invite Dayspring members and friends to share their memories. If you are unable to get to the Dayspring campus, please send the names of those you would like remembered to Mary T. and we will add those names to the tree. Dayspring cares deeply about those affected during this pandemic.