DAYSPRING PRIDE, our supportive and welcoming network for LGBTQ persons and allies meets monthly and provides an opportunity for folks to come together, meet new people, learn more about our community, and become part of a diverse group.

Upcoming PRIDE Events:
TheoPubs: TheoPub is a group of LGBTQ+ folks and Allies that has been active for about six years. We typically meet the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. for a fun evening of stimulating conversation, good food, and beverages. Email David for more information or the location.

Dayspring PRIDE is a ministry that provides a supportive and welcoming network for LGBTQ persons and allies. “Pride” is a label for events or organizations that is recognized by LGBTQ peoples around the world as declaring inclusiveness, diversity, respect, dignity and mutual support. These are all ideals we share here at Dayspring.
Established in January 2015, PRIDE…..

· Provides a supportive and welcoming network for GLBTQ persons and allies at Dayspring United Methodist Church (UMC).
· Facilitates and supports the integration of GLBTQ persons into the services and ministries of Dayspring UMC.
· Assists Dayspring UMC in fulfilling its mission and ministries.

PRIDE provides an opportunity for folks to come together monthly and meet new people, learn more about our community, become part of a diverse group and eat some amazing food. Meetings are often at the church, but also at members’ homes and in community coffee shops and eateries. If you would like more information about Pride please e-mail David.

About Pronouns:
As a community that emphasizes the radical love of Christ in its many forms, we strive to address the ways that diverse people see, hear and feel that they are welcomed at Dayspring. To that goal, we wish to allow for the use of pronouns that lead gender nonconforming persons to feel acknowledged and held in that love. If desired, we encourage persons to identify preferred pronouns when introducing themselves. Some persons will use gender specific pronouns and others will prefer gender neutral ones. Examples of this would be she, he or they and her, him or them. As an act of respect and love we encourage persons at Dayspring to endeavor to use others’ preferred pronouns. Though mistakes are made, the effort will always be noticed and appreciated. To model respect for this topic, some staff have chosen to identify their preferred pronouns with their signatures on church communications. To aid in our growth in these areas, below are some common gender neutral pronouns: