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Dayspring United Methodist, in partnership with The Fountains United Methodist and the Desert Southwest Conference’s Welcoming and Reconciling Ministries team, welcomed Bishop Karen Oliveto IN PERSON on Sunday, March 5th, 2023. Bishop Oliveto spoke on the future of an inclusive United Methodist Church, followed by a time of Q&A.

Consecrated in 2016 as the first openly lesbian Bishop in the United Methodist denomination, Rev. Dr. Oliveto has been at the forefront of fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights both within the church and in society at large.

Currently serving as the episcopal leader of the Mountain Sky area of the United Methodist Church, Bishop Oliveto was elected after serving as the first woman pastor of the 12,000 member Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco. With Masters degrees in Divinity and Philosophy and a PhD in Sociology of Religion, Bishop Oliveto has also served as a Dean and Professor at Pacific School of Religion, Drew University, and Brite Divinity School and is the author of multiple books, including Our Strangely Warmed Hearts: Coming Out into God’s Call (Abingdon, 2018)

View Bishop Oliveto’s presentation HERE.