March 16, 23 & 30 ~ 9:00 a.m. (Tempe)

If you want to understand the experience and struggle of migrants and asylum seekers, Solito by Javier Zamora is the book for you! Written in the voice of little Javier, an unaccompanied minor journeying from his home country of El Salvador to the U.S., where his parents awaited, the book is raw, beautiful, painful, life- and heart-transforming. You won’t be able to put it down! We’ll read and discuss the book together as followers of Jesus and lovers of humanity. Facilitated by Revs. Jeff and Janette Miller on Sunday mornings, March 16-30, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 112.
Jeff & Jannette Miller are recently retired Elders in the United Methodist Church as well as licensed attorneys. From his early days in youth ministry with immigrant families from Southeast Asia to his mission trips to Mexico as a University Chaplain to pastoring First UMC of Killeen, TX, with military families from all over the world, Jeff has a deep appreciation for the diversity of God’s children and a passion for justice for all. As an attorney, Jannette helped families in crisis and represented the underrepresented for the majority of her legal career. As a pastor, Jannette’s passion for social justice shined through as she led the church to begin an anti-human trafficking ministry, institute an “alternative Christmas market,” host ESL classes, and partner with the community to help the homeless, the hungry, and the marginalized. Jannette also served as the Chair of the Inclusiveness Umbrella Team of the Central Texas Conference.
“You don’t read Solito; you experience it! We’d love for you to come and experience it with us.” – Jeff & Jannette