Nearly fifteen years ago my close friend and colleague in ministry Rev. David Felten and I conceived of “Living the Questions,” a video & internet-based introduction to progressive Christianity. As we interviewed and taped leading religion voices the project began to unfold, and Via de Cristo UMC and Asbury UMC (my previous appointments) served as “incubators” as we developed and “beta-tested” a curriculum that has now been used in over 5,000 churches in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain and Australia. Our aim has always been to help resource local church communities – beginning with the ones we’re serving – to discover together what it means to be faithful followers of Jesus in our day. A couple of years ago, HarperOne published our book of the same name, with the subtitle “The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity.”
On Thursday mornings beginning September 4 (10am-noon) and Monday evenings beginning September 8 (6:30-8:30pm) we’ll start the first “flight” of Living the Questions 2.0 in the Adult Room at Dayspring (see box at left). It’s called “An Invitation to Journey.” Let this serve as an invitation to see your life as a journey of faith where the questions can be as rich and meaningful as any answers — indeed, perhaps more so. I hope you’ll join me!
Pastor Jeff