Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or at 10:00 for our traditional service.

In early January I invited Rev. Cynthia Langston Kirk to help us create a beautiful worship space in the fellowship hall for our new service called The Table. An ordained United Methodist minister, Cynthia is a creative who offers spiritual formation, liturgical arts retreats and worship resources through She also toured our sanctuary, and was thrilled about the prospect of creating new paraments for Lent and Easter. (“Paraments” is a churchy term that includes banners, tablecloth and stoles.) We have lovely paraments fashioned by Patti Lewis 25 years ago, and some are holding up better than others. Within six weeks Cynthia designed and created Lenten paraments for Dayspring’s sanctuary, which we consecrated on the first day of Lent, Feb. 22.
Cynthia wrote the following poem (which we sang to the tune of “Sanctuary” at the dedication) to ground the paraments in words of grace and help guide her in the design:

Holy Myst’ry, guiding our inward journey
Deep and healing, fed by Grace.
Then may we shine outward compassion
Blessing others with Christ’s love.

Faithful Icon, window to divine mercy
Teach us kindness, courage fueled.
Justice people dismantling walls
List’ning, serving, living peace.

Cynthia’s poetry and art remind us that Lent is a time of self-reflection, a journey inward, that leads us to outward compassion and love. I pray your personal Lenten journey, as well as our collective one, grounds us in the Source of Life as we become more nourishing for the world, “List’ning, serving, living peace.”
Blessings, Pastor Jeff