What do we do in the Opening to God group?
We gather together — physically distant, but connected by Zoom and our faith.
We light candles — reminders that the light of Christ is always present and will overcome any darkness.
We share — our stories, our struggles, our joys.
We listen — to verses from scripture, or a poem by Mary Oliver or Rumi, or a piece of music.
We pay attention — learning how to notice the gentle movements of Spirit.
We sit in silence — because the Lord comes to us not in the fierce wind, or the earthquake, or the fire, but in a gentle whisper.
We learn — from Pastor Shirley, from one another, from the voice of wisdom.
We pray — for healing, wholeness, and justice, both in our lives and in our world.
We depart — carrying within us the light and love we have experienced.
We hope that you will join us Friday mornings at 10:30. Email Pastor Shirley for more information or the meeting link.