Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or at 10:00 for our traditional service.

View Current Library Collection

What is in the Dayspring Tempe Library?

You will find a collection of books in many different areas, especially in the areas of spiritual growth, expression, and inspiration, as well as religion. There is also a section of Bibles, hymnals, and Reference books. The library itself is small with seating for about ten people.

Where is the Dayspring Tempe Library?

It’s right next to the Fellowship Hall tucked around the corner by the Kitchen and the Palo Verde Room.

How can I use the Dayspring Tempe Library?

  • You can come in and browse the collection. The books are organized by call number representing a specific subject and by author. There is signage to help you find what you want.
  • You can use the printed catalog in the Library Collection binder to see what is available or have it emailed to you so you can browse the list at home.
  • There is a check out sheet in the holder next to the door. Keep books for up to a month or let me know if you need it longer than a month.
  • Return the books to the Return Book Basket and I will reshelve them.

The library is open Sunday mornings from 8 AM to Noon and other times when I am on campus or any time you can find someone to unlock the door for you.

You can now browse the collection three ways:

  • Look at the books and the signage above the shelves to see what we have.
  • Look through the collection binder located on the library coffee table.
  • NEW Click Here to access the collection so you can now browse the collection in the comfort of your home!

Note the call number and title when you decide which book/s to check out.

The book check-out sheet is in the holder next to the door. If you need the book longer than a month, just let me know.

Why would I go to the Dayspring Tempe Library?

The library has been developed through the generosity of Dayspring members so the book collection speaks to spiritual and other needs of our congregation. There is a book there for everyone!

How do I donate to the Dayspring Tempe Library? If you wish to donate books, please contact me. At this time, books by Marcus Borg and books on the topic of climate change would be much appreciated.

Jan Espinoza

Volunteer Dayspring Librarian