First off, we so are grateful for the ministry of our ushers! Your dedicated service helps our services run smoothly and safely. A big Thank you! to all who have volunteered in this capacity and kudos to Mary Thielemeir and Debi Law who have served as coordinators all these years!
In light of the pandemic, we are reimagining our usher ministry. COVID has changed the way we do things – both in the short term as well as the long term. The role of an usher has changed considerably. At least for the time being, we have discontinued several of its primary responsibilities: handing out bulletins, passing the plate and directing the flow during Communion. The job as it stands is really about hospitality: greeting folks as they enter the sanctuary and being on hand for questions, like, Where’s the nursery? Do my children remain in the service? Where are the restrooms? In that spirit, we are re-branding the ministry as The Hospitality Team. For each service we hope to have at least three members of the team in the narthex for hospitality (in addition to the greeters at the entry gate). If you’d like to be part of the team (which will rotate on a monthly basis), please email Andrea or Pastor Shirley.