How can I deepen my Christian faith? Where can I meet others interested in spiritual formation? What does a meaningful faith look like today? How can I learn different spiritual practices and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Bible?
As you may know, my good friend and colleague in ministry, Rev. David Felten, and I have written a book called Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity. We also produced the video resource upon which it is based that explores what a vital Christian faith can look like in the 21st century. For seven Tuesdays, beginning February 25, 5:30-7pm, I will be facilitating the first section* of Living the Questions in the Palo Verde Room (see below). It’s called “An Invitation to Journey.” We’ll begin with a light supper and fellowship. We’ll have fun and learn a lot about ourselves and each other! You’ll make new friends and grow in the faith.
The suggested $35 per person donation will also include a copy of the book. Childcare will be available upon request. Space is limited, so register soon here.
Let this serve as an invitation to see your life as a journey of faith where the questions can be as rich and meaningful as any answers — indeed, perhaps more so. I hope you’ll join us!
-Pastor Jeff
*The second and third sections, “Honoring Creation” and “A Call to Covenant,” will be offered retreat-style for those who complete “An Invitation to Journey” on April 17 & 18 and May 15 & 16 (Fri. 6-9pm & Sat. 9am-2pm).
An Invitation to Journey
Living the Questions is an open-minded alternative to studies that attempt to give participants all the answers and instead strives to create a safe environment where participants can interact and explore what’s next for Christianity. The video features 35 acclaimed scholars, theologians and other experts, and ample time is provided for lively conversation.
Feb. 25: An Invitation to Journey
March 3: Taking the Bible Seriously
March 10: Thinking Theologically
March 17: Stories of Creation
March 24: Lives of Jesus
March 31: Passion for Christ: Paul
April 7: Out into the World: Challenges Facing Progressive Christians