Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or at 10:00 for our traditional service.

“Life is this strange, tender mix, isn’t it?  Joy and sorrow. Love and loss. Big wins and even bigger failures. We cling tightly to the beautiful moments, but then the phone rings, a diagnosis drops, or some creeping ache reminds us that everything—everything—is so much more fragile that we’d like to admit. Life can be too much. And Lent is the season where we sit in that heaviness. For 40 days we stop pretending things will suddenly get better and face the truth: life is fragile, and so are we.” 

The previous words were written by Kate Bowler, author of THE HARDEST PART, HURT WE CARRY, HOPE WE FIND, the Lenten Study we are using, which begins on March 5. During this year, many of us may be experiencing hurt in our lives. We also yearn for the hope which can bring us strength and peace. Join us in any of the following Zoom small group discussions: 

Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m., March 12 – April 23

Thursdays, 4:00 p.m., March 6 – April 24 

Please email Andrea to register. A Zoom link will be sent to you. Also, go to the link: to download your Individual Guide for this study. Each day offers a Scripture, a reflection to sit with life’s messy parts, and a blessing to remind us that, somehow, grace has a way of sneaking in – even when it feels impossible. 

Together, may we find God’s Hope during this special Lenten Season, 

Pastor Shirley