Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or at 10:00 for our traditional service.

by Pastor Jeff

“I’m spiritual, but not religious.”

If you’re like me, you’ve heard that a million times. It’s what people say who believe in God and maybe even admire Jesus, but who don’t want to be part of old-fashioned church.

Do we at Dayspring have something to offer such folks? We know they are missing the power of church at its best: the community of people helping each other be better people, and working to create a better world. So we can help them and they can help us. BUT, we can’t just invite them to the same-old/same-old. There’s a saying in marketing for grocery stores, that if people have passed by a product many times, that the product is “shelf-worn.” That’s church. They know what it’s been and turned it down a hundred times. So we need to invite them to something different.

That something different is what we call Second Sundays. The goal is to do for Dayspring what First Fridays did for downtown Phoenix. To give people somewhere lively to visit, someplace they can stop in and see what happening… no pressure. Maybe they’ll end up being occasional visitors to the church – maybe “monthly church” is enough in our new short-attention-span culture. Or maybe they’ll want more and become members. We’ll see. It’s the “reach” in “outreach.”

Would you like to help “reinvent” Sunday mornings? We need volunteers. We need people who’d like to…

  • Help with food and beverages.
  • Be program Ambassadors, helping with community outreach (via social media, PR, or inviting the neighbors nearby.
  • Work on special programming… we have some ideas for different church experiences that will be available during our 2nd Sunday morning and need help from those interested in leading small group activities.

If you could see yourself fired-up about any of these, please email Dale Dauten. We’ll have our first meeting in June and our new programs will launch in September.