The Dayspring Choir will be in residence at Portsmouth Cathedral in England in late May/early June 2023. This once-in-a-lifetime experience is open to all, whether or not you sing! We will depart on May 24, 2023. We’ll spend a couple of days sightseeing in England (including London, Windsor, Oxford, Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Winchester) before settling into Portsmouth on May 27. Beginning Monday, May 29, and continuing through Saturday, June 3, the Dayspring Choir will be the choir for the daily Evensong service at Portsmouth Cathedral (above), singing an anthem, a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, and psalms and responses appropriate to the day. During the day, we will have opportunities to explore the area, including visits to London, Oxford, Isle of Wight, and Chichester. We hope to sing a final Evensong in London on June 4 before returning to the US on June 5.
Cost is partly dependent on the total number of people participating and ranges from $4,277 to $4,810 (we hope to have enough to get the lowest cost!). There are separate rates if you wish to arrange your own air travel (if you want to arrive in England earlier or stay longer, for example), and there is a surcharge if you would like a single room.
If you have questions about the brochure, please email David Schildkret. YOU CAN MAKE A DEPOSIT OF $200 NOW TO SECURE YOUR PLACE ON THIS TRIP!