Join us in TEMPE every Sunday morning at 8:50 for Sacred Space or at 10:00 for our traditional service.

A popular camp song contains the line,
“What a wondrous time is Spring, when all the trees are budding . . .”
Spring has sprung early this year. It has been marvelous watching the three ash trees we had planted in front of our house a few years ago leaf out. Being young trees, we are able to get up close and personal with them, as I do almost daily. Beholding the mystery of growth and renewal at eye level.  Since spring has come early and Easter will be here in the blink of an eye, I can’t help but re-think Lent. I remember theologian Matthew Fox re-imagining the Lenten season as a time to take up something – rather than give something up. (Most “sacrifices” are rather inconsequential, anyway: chocolate, coffee, etc.) Why not try a new spiritual practice or creative outlet? Watercolors, photography, scrapbooking, writing poetry, sculpting, sketching, hiking . . . or an ancient Christian spiritual practice like walking the labyrinth or contemplative prayer?
We’ve begun a new cohort of Covenant Groups on Sundays from 11:45am-1pm. Each week a different traditional practice is introduced and experienced. In addition, on Wednesday evenings during Lent, I invite you to dinner at Wednesday Evening Fellowship, followed by a choice of two amazing classes. Hopefully these opportunities, too, will be sources of growth and renewal, as we prepare ourselves for the celebration of
new life and resurrection that is Easter!
And speaking of Easter, we will be celebrating our 6:00am Sunrise Service at Kiwanis Park this year! Plan to support the youth Sierra Service Project mission trip by joining us for breakfast at Dayspring following that service – or before our regular 9:00 and 10:30 worship celebrations (breakfast will be served 7:00-10:30am).
Here’s to growth, new possibilities, and new life!
Pastor Jeff