Experience a new kind of church at Dayspring’s 2nd Sundays OPEN HOUSE! This isn’t just a church service—it’s an OPEN HOUSE from 8:30AM—NOON every Second Sunday. Stay for 10 minutes or spend the whole morning. Come for food, music, and activities for all ages. It’s the Sunday Morning Experience You Create— all in a safe and welcoming space where everyone belongs!
You’ll find a lot to choose from on 2nd Sundays, with childcare offered all morning. Come explore the joy of spirituality and the adventure of seeking new meaning & purpose in your life.
View the upcoming month’s schedule below:
8:30am - Fellowship Hall
You’ll find breakfast burritos, fruit, drinks and coffee in the Fellowship Hall. Eat inside (where you can watch what’s happening in the Sanctuary) or at tables on the courtyard. Donations are appreciated to help continue this ministry.
The 2nd Sunday Burrito Menu:
BURRITOS (all served with salsa):
- Morning Glory - cheese and egg
- Blessed Burrito - veggies/rice/black beans
- Praise and Bacon - egg/bacon/cheese
- The Holy Roller - sausage/egg/cheese
Also available: Mixed Fruit • Assorted Donuts • Coffee/Tea Station • Soda and Juice
8:50am - Palo Verde Room
On the 2nd Sundays of each month, we invite all to celebrate with us as we open God’s story with inclusive eyes at how the feminine aspects of God impact our lives. The feminine energy that flowed through our sisters in biblical times is the same energy that flows through us today.
The Sacred Space service offers quiet time filled with music, prayer, silence, contemplation, and scripture, using our senses to come close to the Divine which is within and all around us.
Based on John Dominic Crossan’s insightful look at the Life of Jesus— the real person behind the Gospel accounts. This session will include two short video clips and an opportunity to discuss our reactions.
9:20 - Sanctuary
Stop by the Communion and/or Prayer Corner as one of our current or retired pastors will offer communion and where our specially trained Stephen Ministers will sit with anyone in need of prayer.
10:00am - Room 206
Second Sunday Kids' Church is for kids in Pre-K through 6th grade. It will feature songs with Ms. Julie, mini-lessons with Katie and Charlotte the puppet, skits by the youth, and Scripture reading with age-appropriate activities, crafts, and games led by the Sunday school teachers. Parents are welcome to stay with their children or go to another 2nd Sunday activity. Children under the age of four will go the nursery. Please be aware, we will not have a Children's Time during the 10:00 service, so children can go directly to Room 206.
10:00am - Sanctuary
Here’s everything you love about the classic church service: choir, organ, scripture, sermon and prayer, all with the open-mindedness and inclusiveness that Dayspring is famous for. Please feel free to come and go as you please - we understand - there's a lot going on!
10:30 - Room 111
All youth in Jr. and Sr. High are invited to Join Julie and Sam for a welcoming space where they can learn about God’s love for us and others and how we can grow in our lives as responsible followers of Christ.
10:45 - Sanctuary
Stop by the Communion and/or Prayer Corner as one of our current or retired pastors will offer communion and where our specially trained Stephen Ministers will sit with anyone in need of prayer.
11:00am - Palo Verde Room
This program will address common issues facing couples’ relationships. Dr. Gary Lovejoy will present a topic and facilitate a discussion among the group members. It will be a learning experience to bring into awareness the issues of primary relationships. The focus will be on various aspects of communication and conflict management, as well as strategies for change. Whether or not you are currently in a primary relationship, the topics and discussion may be of interest or helpful to any loving connection, including those of families and friendships.
11:00am - Room 112
Please join us for 40 minutes of pure relaxation, designed to quiet the mind and calm the nervous system. Sit in a chair or lie on a mat while you are guided into a sleep-like state with soothing words and sound instruments such as wind chimes and Tibetan bowls.
Enjoy a self-guided labyrinth experience available in the courtyard. We have a great treasure in our midst that can truly add to our search for a deeper meaning of life with God. Given other events going on in the courtyard, this contemplative practice may be best in the 8:30-9:30 hour, before the music, but is available all morning.
The Dayspring Library will be open all morning if you need a quiet spot to do some reading or to browse our collection for a book to check out.
Jazz pianist Beth Lederman will play the keyboard in the Courtyard all morning, starting at 9:40. Beth is well-known for her sophisticated jazz and rhythmic Brazilian and Latin-jazz piano styles, not only in the Phoenix area, but throughout the Western U.S. from Canada to Mexico.
Or, if you're looking for more traditional church music (and air conditioning!), there’s a full choir with piano and organ in the 10:00 service in the Sanctuary.